About Us
Our Mission > To be the principal reference with regards to creation, construction and installation of unique and sophisticated home kitchens in Canada.
Our Values > Well anchored principles, which guide all our actions and establish our guarantee of the best service there is.

RBQ – Régie du bâtiment du Québec
RBQ number: 8264-6134-49
The RBQ adopts and enacts construction standards in Quebec. To protect the public, it oversees the quality of the work, the safety of the buildings and facilities, the professional qualifications of workers, and the integrity of contractors. Groupe Cartier holds its RBQ license since May, 2002.

CCQ – Commission de la construction du Québec
The CCQ enforces the application of the Act on Labour Relations, Vocational Training, and Workforce Management in the Construction Industry (Act R-20). It offers services to workers and employers, which include social benefits, pension and insurance, vocational training, labour management and application of collective agreements. Groupe Cartier has been a member of the CCQ for more than 12 years and still is today.

APCHQ – Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation
The APCHQ represents 16 regional associations in Quebec, bringing together more than 17 000 businesses from the renovation and construction industry, both residential and commercial. Groupe Cartier is a proud member since May, 2008.

APDIQ – Association professionnelle des designers d’intérieur du Québec
The APDIQ is a non-profit organization which secures and develops the level of professional excellence of interior designers through a rigorous accreditation process. Groupe Cartier hires and works with certified designers; some of which even serve on the Association’s boards and committees.

ECO Friendly Products / LEED certification
In order for a construction to receive the LEED certification and therefore, to be considered eco-friendly, it must meet strict criteria in these specific categories: sustainable site development, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. Groupe Cartier choses its materials and operating strategies to make sure they meet these criteria every time.

9090 avenue du Parc, suite 360
Montréal, Québec
H2N 1Y8